Surviving The Flu Season in a Multi Dog Household

You know what’s not fun? Getting sick. You know what’s REALLY not fun? Getting sick, and still having to care for 8 high energy sled dogs.

A few weeks ago, both me and my partner came down with the flu. Not some light cold, oh no, this was The Death™️. And while I’ve handled getting sick and still cared for my sled dogs, being on the verge of death and managing these dogs was something else! So I’ve decided to make your life easier, and give you a few tips and tricks that helped us all survive!

Let’s face it, when we aren’t feeling well, it’s really easy for our dog care to slide as well. One thing you HAVE to stay on top of, is your dog’s basic needs. They’ll forgive you if you can’t give out walks for a few days, but food and water are a necessity. One thing that helped keep my house dogs watered was this water dispenser.

For food, we dropped our meal times from twice a day, to once a day. When you are very low on energy, conserving what you have is essential. Your dogs can still get their daily food amount, but feeding once a day just makes it easier on us humans. You can also make use of slow feeders to slow your pups down as they eat their large meals.

If you have dogs that will get the hunger pukes, you can give them a chew like this one throughout the day. Not only does it ward off any hunger, but it’ll keep them busy and work their brain. Sometimes mental stimulation is just as good as physical stimulation, and can tire your pups out when you don’t have the energy to get out with them.

Usually my dogs can sense when I am low energy, and will chill out and cuddle with me. This is great for when you get cold flashes, they keep you extra toasty! But if you don’t have a snuggly dog, having a heated blanket can be an absolute game changer for getting back to your best self. My dogs actually enjoyed sleeping with me on my warm blanket!

If you have the energy to do playtime with your dogs, doing simple obedience training or using puzzle toys can be a great way to get any excess energy out. We weren’t able to do any training while we had the flu, but we did use puzzle toys such as frozen stuffed kongs, slow feeder style bowls, pull-apart toys, and kibble puzzles! If I had had the energy, we would’ve brushed up on heeling, loose leash walking, and stay commands.

I hope that you make it through whatever stomach bug you’re dealing with, and that you can get back to enjoying your dogs! They’ll forgive you for being sick, they may just ask for a few more treats that usual! If you have any tips for getting through sicknesses with dogs, feel free to share them with us here!


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